Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Where did it all go?

Relationships come and go, people move on and grow apart. For some, it is easy and others, just can't cope with the pain of ever loosing that one love that made you happy and complete. I loved and still do, the most perfect woman in the world. We had a life together, a life that was simple. I'm not much of a writer, and grammar and punctuation, and of course spelling is not the best. I really want to explain all the things I miss about her. I miss the little cute crinkles in her eyes when she smiled. Those beautiful blue gray eyes, that just pierced into your soul, it was intoxicating none the less. I remember several, several nights, where it brought my heart so much warmth, to lie in bed next to her, and watch her sleep. Watch her dream, watch her lay in rest, so peaceful and sweet. She looked like an angel. And She was my Angel, I called her that all the time. I miss spending moments of my life with her. We had nights that we claimed movie night, of course with a little word of intimacy in front. We cuddled for hours, sometimes all day, holding each other in our arms, feeling the beat of our hearts in sync. I miss my love, and I always love her, and will always love her. I hope one day, that we can be together once more, once more to feel alive, once more to feel loved, and cared for. I miss you Angel, I don't know what happened, or why you have turned, but I hope you look into your heart, I hope you listen to your heart, my heart is saying, you love her, you love her. I miss your little snorting laugh, your laugh is the most cutest thing ever. I love how modest you are. You are ababably beautiful, and you don't thing so. You only said your biased you love me. Yes, I do, but biased no, you are beautiful. I love how you don't think of yourself as high maintenence. That is very attractive, and you are the sexiest woman alive. And when we made love it was amazing. Being close to you, the warmth of your body against mine, your breath tickling the little hairs on my neck, oh how I melt. I could lay there forever, and ever, I could die in your arms, and be the happiest man ever. Wherever you are Angel, I hope you realize how much I love you, I miss you, I miss my "..." Angel